• howard@aesaus.org.au
  • 03 99734 756

Member Conduct

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Member Conduct

As a member of the AES you must uphold and advance the honor, dignity and effectiveness of being a professional. This entails, in addition to being a good citizen and acting within the law, your adherence to the Code of Professional Conduct.

The Code of Professional Conduct (the Code) identifies six core ethical values and the associated requirements for professional conduct. The AES requires its members to abide by these values, and act with responsibility and integrity in all of their professional dealings.

These requirements aim to ensure that members of the AES work to the highest level of professionalism, providing a quality of service which helps to maintain credibility and prestige among, and the confidence of, the general public.

To ensure all members uphold these standards, the AES has a formal complaints process which enables complaints about members to be considered and evaluated and, where appropriate, disciplinary action to be taken.


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